Terraform by HashiCorp is an orchestration tool that allows you to represent your Linode instances and other resources with declarative code inside configuration files, instead of manually creating those resources via the Linode Manager or API. This practice is referred to as Infrastructure as Code, and Terraform is a popular example of this methodology.
A look into Terraform's primary components, features, and configurations for the new Terraform user
How to create a NodeBalancer and Nodes with Terraform.
Create a Terraform module that deploys a Linode instance from a StackScript.
In this guide you will learn how to use a Community StackScript to deploy WordPress on a Linode using Terraform.
Use Terraform, the popular orchestration tool by HaschiCorp, and Linode's Terraform K8s module to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on Linode. The steps you'll complete in this guide will include configuring your local environment to run Linode's Terraform k8s module and kubectl, and creating your Terraform configuration files and using them to deploy a Kubernetes cluster. Finally, you will connect to your Kubernetes cluster using kubectl. Using Linode's Terraform k8s module simplifies many of the steps involved in manually deploying a Kubernetes cluster with kubeadm.
This guide will describe how to import existing Linode infrastructure into Terraform using the official Linode provider plugin.
How to Manage Secrets with Terraform
Use Terraform to provision Linode environments.